Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Happy 30th Birthday Surprise!

Last Friday was BJ's 30th birthday, so we headed to Augusta for a special birthday party.  On the way we received another special surprise.  Snow!  It made for a very White Christmas  Birthday, with more snow than I  ever remember seeing in Georgia.  The boys loved their first true snow experience as you can see in the pictures(sort of)!  I think the parents had as much or should I say more fun than the children.  It was a great day with family and friends and we are thankful to all of them!

The guys had fun together playing at the playground at the mall. And as you can see here Trey was trying to figure out what is going on!  Snow!  We don't see much if it around these parts.

BJ's parents house as we pulled up really did make me feel like we were having a White Christmas!

BJ and Trey at the birthday party getting ready to blow out the candles. BJ's favorite part of his birthday, Snow!  Actually his favorite part was hitting his siblings with snowballs, especially his sister!

This weekend BJ is in Asheville for our annual Winter Retreat.  He is administrating the retreat and ministering to students we are involved with.  This year's speaker is Joe Naramore, the Regional Director for Campus Outreach Charlotte.  He is speaking from the passage of Jonah for the weekend.  Please pray that the Lord would use this retreat to draw students to Christ, establish young believers, and build vision for giving their lives away for a lifetime.  I am hoping to have some pictures to share with you after he gets back.

Next week BJ will be hosting our area staff as they pray, plan, and prepare for this summer's Summer Beach Project.  Please be in prayer for this time as they are making decisions and preparations for this 9 week event in the summer.  As many of you know, we are both currently working part time jobs apart from Campus Outreach to pay down  our debt.  Please be in prayer as we are seeking the Lord and working to be debt free this year.  Thank you to all of you for your prayers, friendship and partnership with our family!

1 comment:

Asheville Now said...

Hopefully this beautiful weather will keep up for the visit to Asheville. Thanks for stopping by, our small city is always happy to host visitors. In fact our baseball team is named the Asheville Tourists.