Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Keeping You Up to Date!

I just wanted to write and share what we have been up to recently. This past weekend BJ was in Macon for his third part of a seminary class that he has been taking through Reformed Theological Seminary. While he was there, he had an Area Leadership Meeting with two other men serving on the Leadership Team for Campus Outreach Augusta. On Saturday after their seminary class BJ met with 11 men that he has led or is currently leading since he came on staff at Georgia Southern. It was a joyous time together with these men celebrating what the Lord has done in each of their lives and how the Lord has used BJ and one another to invest and grow them in Christ. They had a camp out at a supporter's home in Forsyth, GA. Mrs. Futch housed, fed and fellowshipped with them as she did about a year ago with several of them. She has become an endeared member of our lives as well as the lives of these men. Here is a picture of all of them together this weekend:

(Clockwise left to right:  BJ, Wyatt, Evan, Brett, Devin, Mike, Mrs. Futch, and Kevin)

In the meantime, the boys and I headed to Nashville with my mom.  On Friday I attended an event, Savvy Blogging Dinner and Discussion with about 100 women who are blogging for business, many of them frugal/coupon bloggers.  It was a great learning experience and you can check out a little more about it on my money saving blog, Simple Savings Mom.  Afterward, we had a great time at a nearby mall, Opry Mills, before we left.

Trey almost eaten by a shark!

Hanging by the Rainforest Cafe!

It really started snowing in Nashville, but this was taken in front of Bass Pro Shop, kind of looks real though!

We love you guys and want to keep sharing our lives with all of you!  BJ's birthday is this Friday so we will head to Augusta for a big shindig for his 30th birthday party!  Hope you have a great weekend!

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